Advocacy & Consulting Services - IEPadvocate4you
Carol Sadler, Special Education Consultant/Advocate
GA Advocacy Office PLSP I Graduate
1105 Rock Pointe Look
Woodstock, GA 30188
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"There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people." ---- Thomas Jefferson
"Refrain from Restraining, Secluding and Corporal Punishment & Aversives are Abusive and Dehumanizing" ---- Carol Sadler, Advocate
GNET=GetNoEducation/Therapy=PsychoNOed=Jail without Jury or Trial=Imprisonment without Legal Representation
Information contained in this communication is confidential and privileged. It is not meant to represent legal or medical advice, but rather advice given based on my knowledge as a trained Parent Advocate by the GA Advocacy Office, Council of Parent Advocates & Attorneys, CHADD, LDA, the GA DOE Parent Mentor program as an invited guest and the special education attorneys that I often work with on educational matters. Please do not forward without my permission.
Protecting the Civil Rights of Students with Disabilities and their Families
Dear Carol:
The COPAA Awards Committee is now accepting Nominations for the Diane Lipton Award for Outstanding Advocacy
Each year as part of the Annual Conference, COPAA honors the memory of Diane Lipton, a tireless advocate for children with disabilities for over two decades, with the Diane Lipton Award for Outstanding Advocacy. Diane began as a parent-advocate on behalf of her own daughter, Chloe, who had been placed in a segregated school, separated from her peers without disabilitiesby a chain link fence. Diane became an attorney for the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), where she championed the civil rights of children with disabilities. She advised President Clinton on special education issues and helped shape the laws prohibiting schools from segregating children with disabilities. In memory of Diane, COPAA honors individuals who are exceptionally dedicated to the rights of children with disabilities.
The Diane Lipton Award is given at the Saturday Awards Luncheon, this year on March 8, 2014 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront.
Previous recipients of the Diane Lipton Award have included Wendy Byrnes (2006), Kathleen Boundy (2007), Judith Gran (2008), Ellen Chambers (2009), Warren J. Sinsheimer (2010), Joseph Tulman (2011), Dorene J. Philpot (2012) and Terrie A. Rymer (2013).
Learn more about Diane and her accomplishments at the UC Berkeley's website on the Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement.
Award Criteria:
The Diane Lipton Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a member of the special education advocacy community. The following criteria will be considered by the Awards committee (note that the questions that follow each criterion are not all-inclusive but are listed as examples to help those who are nominating a person better complete the application and to help the Committee better assess the nominees):
Direct interaction/effect: What kind of direct work does the nominee do on behalf of students or children with disabilities and/or their families? Does the nominee have a professional relationship with or on behalf of students with disabilities or their families, such as attorney-client, therapist-client, mentor-mentee, etc.? Does the nominee's advocacy work take the form of direct care or direct services? How does the nominee's advocacy work have a direct effect on specific children and their families? Does the nominee's work have an impact beyond his or her individual clients?
NOTE: All nominees must meet the above criterion. In order to be eligible for the Diane Lipton Award, nominees must also meet at least one of the following criteria:
Education/Public awareness efforts: How does the nominee educate others regarding their rights and assist them in advocating for themselves? How does the nominee promote awareness about specific disabilities, disability rights, special education, the law, person-first language, etc.?
Legislation/Public Policy: How does the nominee inspire positive change in local, state or national policy to further the rights of people with disabilities? Is the nominee involved in grassroots organizing efforts? More formal legislative or administrative policy efforts?
Championing a Cause: Has the nominee championed specific causes within special education, such as a particular issue or children with a particular disability? Does the nominee serve on committees or boards dedicated to particular issues or disabilities? Does the nominee dedicate him or herself to particular areas such as under-served rural or non-English speaking families?
Litigation: Does the nominee litigate special education/disability cases? What have been the outcomes of the cases? Do the nominee's case results have an impact beyond his or her individual clients?
NOTE: In addition to these criteria, the committee shall consider any other relevant Information about the nominee as submitted by the nominator(s). Please provide complete and detailed information, including your contact information. The COPAA Awards Committee reserves the right to ask for clarification or additional information from the nominator (s).
Nominations should be submitted to by December 2, 2013.