
Carol Sadler
Special Education Consultant/Advocate
1105 Rock Pointe Look
Woodstock, GA 30188

I am a lay Parent Advocate assisting parents of children with disabilities in school IDEA, 504 and SST meetings. I am a former CHADD and LDA Coordinator, graduate of the 1st GA Advocacy Office PLSP legal training course and most importantly parent of two children with various disabilities.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

High School GAA ACCESS classes for Cognitive Disabilities

·         Advocates Advice: According to the GA DOE, High School GAA students taking ACCESS classes may take ANY high school course, even reg. ed. and IRR classes with necessary support and services. Do NOT let schools tell you otherwise. Often they do not even know or are trying to not provide additional support or services in gen. ed. classrooms. Basically they can code ANY HS class as a ACCESS class.


Make sure you and your school understands (because I have found they do not understand)and have documentation that your high school GAA/ACCESS/CBI student in on track to graduate with REAL reg. ed. Diploma.  This should be listed and documented in your students Transition Plan.


You should make sure your student is on the right pathway in Middle School.


Finally, do not believe everything the school tells you.  Call the State DOE (or advocate) to make sure their information is accurate……………J


Helpful links:  Graduation Requirements (Look for GAA requirements)  Debbie Reagan at DOE is a terrific contact for additional information and clarification.   ID Eligibility Regulation


If the student was not identified as a GAA student in Middle School, the school and parents can submit a Waiver to the State DOE:


Advocacy & Consulting Services - IEPadvocate4you
Carol Sadler, Special Education Consultant/Advocate
GA Advocacy Office PLSP I Graduate
1105 Rock Pointe Look
Woodstock, GA 30188

IEPadvocate4you also now on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter


"There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people." ---- Thomas Jefferson

“Refrain from Restraining, Secluding and Corporal Punishment & Aversives are Abusive and Dehumanizing” ---- Carol Sadler, Advocate

GNET=GetNoEducation/Therapy=PsychoNOed=Jail without Jury or Trial=Imprisonment without Legal Representation


Information contained in this communication is confidential and privileged. It is not meant to represent legal or medical advice, but rather advice given based on my knowledge as a trained Parent Advocate by the GA Advocacy Office, Council of Parent Advocates & Attorneys, CHADD, LDA, the GA DOE Parent Mentor program as an invited guest and the special education attorneys that I often work with on educational matters. Please do not forward without my permission.