
Carol Sadler
Special Education Consultant/Advocate
1105 Rock Pointe Look
Woodstock, GA 30188

I am a lay Parent Advocate assisting parents of children with disabilities in school IDEA, 504 and SST meetings. I am a former CHADD and LDA Coordinator, graduate of the 1st GA Advocacy Office PLSP legal training course and most importantly parent of two children with various disabilities.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

NICHCY - News You Can Use

FYI – A terrific resource!!!


Advocacy & Consulting Services - IEPadvocate4you
Carol Sadler, Special Education Consultant/Advocate
GA Advocacy Office PLSP I Graduate
1105 Rock Pointe Look
Woodstock, GA 30188

IEPadvocate4you also now on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter


"There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people." ---- Thomas Jefferson

“Refrain from Restraining, Secluding and Corporal Punishment” ---- Carol Sadler, Advocate

GNET=GetNoEducation/Therapy=PsychoNOed=Jail without jury or trial=Imprisonment without legal representation


Information contained in this communication is confidential and privileged. It is not meant to represent legal or medical advice, but rather advice given based on my knowledge as a trained Parent Advocate by the GA Advocacy Office, Council of Parent Advocates & Attorneys, CHADD, LDA, the GA DOE Parent Mentor program as an invited guest and the special education attorneys that I often work with on educational matters. Please do not forward without my permission.


From: The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) [] On Behalf Of The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 1:26 PM
Subject: News You Can Use


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August 2011                                                                         Managing Change



This Month from the National Dissemination Center

From our Friends at the IDEA Partnership

It All Families...and Communities

The Little Ones: Early Intervention/Early Childhood

Schools, K-12

State & System Tools



Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.  

                  ~Robert C. Gallagher



It seems like everything is changing these days - the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is scheduled to be rewritten, proposed regulations for the early intervention (Part C) section of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act are due to be released, schools are adjusting staffing and service delivery in response to state budget constraints and the sunsetting of additional funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). How do we all adjust to so many changes at once?


This month, we're focusing on resources that can help us all keep pace with the many changes impacting early childhood service providers, families, educators, and administrators. We hope these resources are useful to you in your efforts to support quality education for students with disabilities. You never know what will happen next, so wear comfortable shoes, pack a snack in your bag, and be prepared for the next challenge!


As always, we welcome your feedback. Please feel free to contact us at


Our best to you,


Your friends at the 

National Dissemination Center 

for Children with Disabilities





We are very pleased to share two new resources that educators can put to immediate use in the new school year ahead---

  • a new research summary identifying seven school interventions that really work with students; and    
  • a companion webpage called Using What Works, which will connect you with more information about those seven interventions.

Find the research summary at: 


Find Using What Works at:  


Something Else That's New! 

Boy, you want to talk about change? The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) has a brand-new parent organization! As of July 1, 2011, the non-profit organization formerly known as the Academy for Educational Development (AED) has joined forces with Family Health International (FHI) to become FHI 360. FHI 360 operates from 60 offices with 4,400 staff in the U.S. and around the world. 


You might notice some minor changes in our email addresses and "About Us" information, but our day-to-day work (including our website address and phone numbers) will not change.





More and more districts are developing Response to Intervention (RTI) practices in order to meet the learning needs of students with and without disabilities. RTI isn't a single, prescribed procedure, but rather the "[p]ractice of providing high quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make changes in instruction or goals and applying child response data to important educational decisions." This looks different in each school and district.


To help educators, administrators, and families to better understand and implement RTI practices, the IDEA Partnership has developed a robust collection of resources on the topic, including:

  • Grounding Assumptions for the resources
  • Glossary of key terms around the topic of RTI
  • How to Use this Collection for different stakeholder groups
  • Beginning Collection for those just beginning RTI implementation, including power point presentations, a facilitator's guide and dialogue guides
  • Intermediate Collection for those familiar with RTI and undertaking implementation, including power point presentations, a facilitator's guide and dialogue guides
  • Advanced Collection for those already using tiered interventions for both learning and behavior, including power point presentations, a facilitator's guide and dialogue guides
  • And more!  

Check out the IDEA Partnership's RTI Collection at 



Four members of a family close together. 



It's almost time for school to start up a new academic year. Get ready for the change with some of these resources:


25 ways to make this the best school year ever.


The back-to-school assignment for parents of special needs kids.


Back to school for the child with LD.


Working together: A parent's guide to parent and professional partnership and communication within special education.


Wait! Summer's not over.

True. Looking for opportunities and suggestions for how to make the most of August to play, learn, or poke into subjects you just never have time for otherwise? Here's a little something for families.


Top 10 resources on reading together.

The summer offers more time for parents and kids to read books as a team. Check out these resources that can help build family literacy. From Reading Rockets.


Organize your child's medical records.

Oh yes, that sounds like summer fun!


Preparing the school for your child with special needs.

Here's your head start for information to send to teachers about your child's special needs.


Physical education -- and adapted physical education.

IDEA 2004 requires that students with disabilities be provided with physical education. If your child has a disability and an IEP, the school must provide physical education as part of your child's special education program. Many children benefit from physical education. Read all about PE and adapted PE, at:


Financial resource guide for parents of children with disabilities.

PACER Center, in conjunction with National Endowment for Financial Education, has recently published the online guide , a "simple, straightforward resource" to help families manage money and plan for their financial future.


Family-to-Family Health Information Center.

Another great resource from PACER. The Family-to-Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC) serves as a central source for families of children and young adults with special health care needs and disabilities to obtain support, advocacy, and information about the health care system.








The change from early intervention to preschool.

Early intervention is designed for children from birth up to age three. At that point, services under EI end. If the child will need continued support once he or she moves on to preschool, it's very important to plan ahead so that the transition is smooth. The resources listed on this NICHCY webpage can help you do just that.


Social-emotional issues in early childhood settings.

The spring 2011 issue of Early Childhood Research and Practice includes a special section focused on this topic. Free!


Need info about autism in multiple languages to share with families?

If you do, you'll be pleased to know that the USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities has translated the "Learn the Signs. Act Early" autism fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) into multiple languages to reach underserved populations.


Find the fact sheet in: Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese.


Find the fact sheet in English and Spanish.


Training module on assistive technology interventions.

This new module from CONNECT includes an example of how a child care provider, speech therapist, and parent work together to help a two-year-old communicate and participate in everyday activities using assistive technology.


Early Head Start's home-based model.

Thanks to NECTAC for sharing the news that the Office of Head Start recently launched a webpage with information on the Early Head Start (EHS) Home-Based Model, which is one of eight evidence-based home visiting models selected for the Affordable Care Act Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program. The webpage includes an overview of the EHS home-based model, a video entitled and resources for implementing the model.


Preschool special education: Co-teaching and collaboration.

Collaboration increases instructional options and grouping flexibility, reduces stigma for students, boosts professional support, and meets the mandates of IDEA's least restrictive environment.







Last minute reading on important topics. 

Since summer isn't quite over yet, teachers may find these resources worth squeezing in before it's time to go back to school.


Resource for lesson plans.

Teachers can browse an array of lesson plans and related resources from high performing teachers. You also can share your resources with this site.


Grading and students with disabilities.

Grading is a complex topic that involves philosophical, pedagogical, and pragmatic issues for all students, and especially for those with disabilities. This introduction to grading will give teachers the research base, teacher tools, and case studies.§ion=grading/main


Neuroscience and special education.

A new policy analysis from Project Forum at the National Association of State Directors of Special Education discusses how findings from neuroscience are being applied to special education, describes outcomes from the research bridging the two fields, and discusses how institutions of higher education are creating interdisciplinary links between the two. The analysis also profiles three programs currently serving children with disabilities that base their curriculum in part on findings from the field of neuroscience. 


Free technology for teachers.

Who can resist?


NEA's back to school guide. 

NEA editors have compiled a list of NEA's best articles and resources to help new and veteran teachers get ready for the fall semester.  


Changing the way it's done: When general and special educators collaborate.

Research shows that collaboration between general and special educators benefits the quality of instruction and supports for students with disabilities. Here are several resources that give the "why" and "how-to" of collaboration. Just in time, too, for the new school year!



Co-teaching is a method for delivering instruction that draws on the strengths and expertise of multiple educators. This module introduces the many faces of co-teaching relationships, exemplars and non-exemplars of successful co-teaching strategies, approaches for developing co-teaching skills, and opportunities to co-plan lessons. "Academy 1" focuses on general and special educators working together. From the Equity Alliance at ASU.


Supporting the collective practice of teachers.

It's not just the individual skill of a teacher that raises student outcomes; rather, teachers become better at their craft when they have the space to collaborate with and learn from one another.


Introduction to cooperative teaching.

This intro describes the basics of cooperative teaching, where and when it's used, the research base as to its effectiveness and benefits, and case studies. It will also connect teachers with easy-to-use tools to promote their own collaborations with colleagues.§ion=coteaching/main


Collaboration between general and special education: Making it work.


NEA's diversity toolkit.

This online toolkit provides an introduction to the multiple facets of diversity. Chapters include: class and income, cultural competence for educators, English language learners, gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, and social justice.


How to increase student learning time.

Here's an interesting suite of resources from the Doing What Works initiative. It features elementary schools, increased learning time programs, partnerships, and schools with extended learning day initiatives that successfully implement research-based practices connected to increasing learning time. At the link below, practitioners can learn about the research base for schools and programs seeking to increase student learning time, see how these practices are implemented in schools, and access professional development tools and planning templates to Do What Works.


Youth, families, and educators: Get ready for the change ahead -- Adulthood!

Youth with disabilities need to plan ahead for their transition from high school. The law mandates it, in fact! Connect with a wealth of "how-to" information in NICHCY's Transition Suite of nine individual webpages.


Plan ahead to get assistive technology in college.

Is your youth with learning disabilities planning to go to college? Does he or she use assistive technology (AT)? If so, get a jump start on college success by scoping out universities' AT policies and offerings and understanding their rights and responsibilities.







Strategies for building an aligned system for early learning.

The National Association of Elementary School Principals' (NAESP) Foundation Task Force on Early Learning recently published a report that recommends 10 action steps to guide the work involved in aligning early childhood and elementary education. Find at:


Superintendent leadership: Promoting general and special education collaboration.

From Project Forum, this document examines the role of the superintendent in promoting, developing and sustaining a culture of collaboration between general and special educators throughout the LEA.


Influence of school-level SES and racial diversity on implementing schoolwide positive behavior supports.

This evaluation brief examines the capacity of schools of varying levels of socioeconomic and racial diversity to implement Tier I (universal) of schoolwide positive behavior support (SWPBS) with integrity.


What every leader for school improvement needs to know about student and learning supports.

This brief report provides a synthesis of (1) some key challenges for school improvement related toaddressing barriers to learning and teaching, and (2) implications for improving how schools deal with such challenges.



Publication of this eNewsletter is made possible through Cooperative Agreement #H326N080003 between   FHI360 and the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) of the U.S. Department of Education.  The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities.



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