Accommadations Can Help Smooth Those Bumps in the Road Having ADHD need not hold you back. Whether in the workplace or in school, laws are in place that can help you obtain specific help and accommodations that will make success easier to achieve. In the first article this month, I have taken some tips from Dr. Nadeau's Book, ADD in the Workplace. 504 Acccommodations Plans are discussed in the second article by Carol Sadler, Special Educational Consultant. Both provide more information for parents of children and adults with ADHD that encourages them to take a proactive stance when dealing with ADHD needs at work or school. Asking for help is sometimes difficult but in most situations the results are worth the effort. | |
STAYING ON TRACK IN THE WORKPLACE Workers with ADHD are often gregarious, active people who struggle with time management, paperwork and focusing to complete tasks in the workplace. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers are required to make "reasonable" accommodations for an employee with attention deficit disorder if it severely inhibits them. The amount of accommodation often depends on the job duties and the size of the company. In most cases, ADHD does not rise to the level of substantially limiting a life function. Often, however, even though there is not legal obligation to accommodate, there may be reasons why an employer would accommodate -- if it's not overly burdensome and the employee is otherwise a good performer. If the employee is having difficulty across the board then a change to a career/job that better suits their disorder. Employees with attention disorders tend to work better in jobs where they make their own schedules and have lots of physical activity. The following list provides a few, easy-to-use accommodations that will help keep you on track in the workplace. Tips for Dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder in the Workplace 1. Use headphones, a conference room or an empty office to reduce distractions. 2. Set an alarm to cue you when to change tasks or go to a meeting. 3. Check your calendar to see if you can fit in a new project before committing to it. 4. Fidget intentionally by taking notes during a meeting. 5. Exercise during your lunch break. 6. Work two part-time jobs rather than a full-time job. 7. Find work that offers a lot of variety and minimal paperwork. 8. Don't give in to the impulsive to do just one more thing. 9. Divide big tasks in to bite-sized pieces and reward yourself for completing each one. 10. Report to your supervisor daily or weekly to stay focused and on track with projects and assignments. Source: ADD in the Workplace by Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D. | Section 504 & ADAAA: Writing a 504 Plan, an Advocate's Point of View by Carol Sadler, Special Education Consultant/Advocate  So what is Section 504? Quite simply, Section 504 is a federal law that protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability and ensures a child with a disability equal access to an education. Section 504 "levels the playing field" and guarantees students with disabilities appropriate educational services designed to meet the needs of a qualifying student to the same extent of non-disabled students. It prohibits discrimination. January 1, 2009 the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) went into effect and made important changes, which apply to Section 504. It amended the definition of a "disability" and broadened the "interpretation" of a disability. This change should make it easier to qualify students with AD/HD, Aspergers and Bipolar who may have been denied a 504 plan in the past due to being academically on target. I have found that many schools do not fully understand or interpret 504 correctly, certainly are not aware of the changes brought by ADAAA and still cite old language and terminology. Parents need to research these laws in order to ensure that their school districts apply them appropriately. Unfortunately, I find many students with disabilities are still inappropriately denied 504 eligibility Writing a 504 plan is basically documenting: the student's disability; the major life activity affected; the disabilities educational impact on the student's education; the necessary accommodations; and where the accommodations will be implemented. It is important in the 504 plan to address the individual student's needs and develop appropriate accommodations accordingly. Appropriate accommodations might be: extended time on tests; tests taken in small group; extended time on homework/classwork; test orally; extra set of books/materials for home use; texts on tape; use of a calculator; use of a tape recorder for lectures; teacher to check agenda/planner for accuracy; preferential seating away from distractions; check for understanding of directions; provide student copy of notes; prepare student for transitions; use of a word processor for lengthy written assignments and standardized writing assessments; use of a graphic organizer; allow student frequent breaks for movement; break assignments/projects into short sequential steps; give student private and discrete cues to stay on task; allow student to leave the classroom and go to a safe place to regroup; reduce homework to content only taking out fluff or multiple same type problems; use of a notebook system for organization; and/or discuss inappropriate behavior in private, not in front of peers. Students covered under IDEA are also covered under 504 and an additional 504 plan is not necessary. Below are some of my favorite links to Section 504 & ADAAA: http://www.ncld.org/images/stories/Publications/AdvocacyBriefs/UnderstandingADAAA-Section504/UnderstandingADAAA-Section504.pdf http://www.help4adhd.org/en/education/rights/504 http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/504faq.html http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/sec504.adaaa.htm http://www.ncld.org/on-capitol-hill/federal-laws-aamp-ld/adaaa-a-section-504/section-504-in-2009 It is important to remember that just because a 504 plan has been denied, does not mean the student is not covered. Additionally, a student who had not yet been identified and found eligible, may still be covered under 504. When in doubt, seek advice from a local advocate, attorney, or disability/advocacy organization. Advocacy & Consulting Services - IEPadvocate4you Carol Sadler, Special Education Consultant/Advocate GA Advocacy Office PLSP I Graduate 1105 Rock Pointe Look Woodstock, GA 30188 CarolSadler@bellsouth.net www.IEPadvocate4You.com http://iepadvocate4you.blogspot.com IEPadvocate4you also now on Facebook and Twitter "There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people." ---- Thomas Jefferson | News Alerts Attention, Girls! Wins Two Awards. Dr Quinn's new book for girls with ADHD, ages 7 to 12 years, has recently received awards from the National Association of Parentign Publications of America (NAPPA Honors) and a Gold medal in the Health category in the Children's Moonbeams Awards from Independent Publishers. Click here to order! The Disorganized Mind Now Available in paperback. Dr. Ratey's book, The Disorganized Mind, is now avaiable for $14.95 in paperback. Click here to order! The A.D.D. Audio Coach™ coming soon online as a downloadable file. Previously selling for $59.99, the program will cost ONLY $14.99 and be avaiable immedicately as a downloadable file! Check back over the next month and we'll have it ready for purchase.  | |
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